Dialogues in Philosophy
Mental and Neuro Sciences

Dialogues in Philosophy, Mental and Neuro Sciences

The official journal of Crossing Dialogues
Volume 14, Issue 2 (December 2021)

The use of dream content in the treatment of Complex Post-Traumatic Disorder
Marzia Albanese
Sleep disturbances are a relevant symptom in post-traumatic stress disorders. Among these, nightmares play a central role in the maintenance and worsening of clinical symptoms.
Bothered by nightmares, traumatized patients have frequent awakenings and this favors the overall symptoms of the disorder: lack of concentration, dissociative phenomena, sense of irreparability. At the same time, nightmares can be a powerful resource in treatment.
Thanks to their content, it is possible to work on the patient’s pathogenic beliefs and facilitate the processing of the traumatic event.
This article describes a therapeutic intervention that involves the work on the dream content and, through a clinical exemplification, describes the clinically relevant nightmares and the work done on their content.
nightmares, post-traumatic stress disorder, pathogenic beliefs, dreams, migrants, trauma
Dial Phil Ment Neuro Sci 2021; 14(2): 42-45
Received on November 20, 2021
Accepted on January 30, 2022
Firstly published online on May 23, 2022